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Found 29 results.


May 26

PPK Post Processing

Free online PPK software

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Jun 24

Introducing S100 RTK Receiver

Simple to use RTK rover.

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Dec 10

Is S100 A Good / Bad Choice for You ?

Describes if S100 is a good choice for your application

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Sep 22

Improved Stand-Alone (Sub-Meter) Accuracy

Firmware update for improved stand-alone accuracy.

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Jul 14

New Lora Radio for S100

1W 915MHz Lora Radio

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Dec 24

S100 + FieldGenius for Android Bundle Special

S100/FGA bundle sale

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Dec 23

Using S100 with Ecuador's REGME-IP CORS (revisited)

Showing  varying reported S100 REGME-IP RTK performance possibly due to usage under different ionospheric conditions. 

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Dec 03

RTK Survey Without Using GNSS Correction Service

Showing how to performance RTK survey in place without RTK correction service.

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Nov 21

Why S100 is So Affordable Compared to Other Brands?

Explains why S100 is affordable.

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Sep 29

Setting Up Alpha+ for Sending and Receiving Correction Data Between Base and Rover Using Radio

Show how to configure Alpha+ to send and receive RTCM correction data at 9600 baud rate.

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Aug 29

Regarding Historic Usage Plan Model

Explaining about historic Usage Plan model.

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Aug 06

How to Work with Online PPP Service

Procedure steps to use online PPP service

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Jun 08

Cost Saving on RTK Surveying

Affordable RTK technology

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May 10

Alpha+'s RTK Performance In Signal Blocked Environment

Much improved performance under signal blocked environments with Alpha+

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Apr 19

Surveying at Place without Internet or Mobile Phone Coverage

Surveying without Radio or Internet Connection

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Feb 01

Introducing New Multi-Band Multi-GNSS Alpha+ RTK Receiver

A new GPS L1/L2C, Beidou B1I/B2I, Galileo E1/E5b, GLONASS L1/L2 capable RTK receiver.

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Nov 15

RTK Surveying & UAV RTK Precision Guidance

Showing how Alpha is used with quadcopter 

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Nov 12

NTRIP Server for Android Phone

NTRIP Server for Android phone facilitates setting up RTK base in the fields. 

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Sep 07

User Guide now available

User Guide now available with application details

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Aug 29

Alpha Mass Production

Receiving first batch of Alpha RTK receiver's PCBA today

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Aug 23

RTK Antenna Selection

How antenna is selected to go with Alpha as a RTK Receiver Kit is described 

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Aug 16

Adding RTK Capability to ArduPilot / Pixhawk

A short video showing how Alpha RTK receiver can be used with UAV.

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Aug 14

Using Arduino Due and Raspberry Pi with 10Hz Alpha RTK

Hardware wiring and software setup for using RTK NMEA output from Alpha RTK receiver is shown for both Arduino Due and Raspberry Pi.

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Aug 10

RTKLIB Post-Processing With Alpha

For users that prefer post-processing with RTKLIB, Alpha can support that too !

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Aug 08

Using Android Phone for RTK Survey Data Collection

A GIS data collection example of using Alpha RTK receiver 

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Aug 06

Alpha RTK Accuracy Demonstration Using Toy Train

Checking position accuracy of Alpha

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Aug 03

Alpha RTK Receiver Road Test

Road test to see performance of Alpha RTK receiver with small high precision antenna.

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FieldGenius for Android Special Offer for Existing S100 Customers

End of 2023 FGA Special Offer

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IMU Tilt-Compensation RTK Receiver Under $1000

Shipping Tilt-Compensation RTK Receiver in Q4

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