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Aug 06

How to Work with Online PPP Service

Some customers seem to have issue working with online PPP service. Below shows procedure flow on how to do this.

1. Set S100 or Alpha+ to log raw measurement data in RTCM format.

2. Get RTKLIB Demo5_b34b binary from

3. Execute rtkconv.exe

4. Select the RTCM log file, choose RTCM3 format, then click Option

5. Most online PPP service works with older RINEX 2.11 format and GPS only, some works with GPS & GLONASS; check appropriate satellite constellation needed. Then click OK.

6. Click Convert

7. Click File Time, change the date to the UTC date that the RTCM log file was recorded. Click OK to start RTCM to RINEX conversion.

8. Click to see the .OBS file


9. Use a text editor to change C2 to P2. Now you have the RINEX file ready to upload to online PPP service.

10. Below example uploads to IBGE-PPP service.

11. Many of the online PPP service has file size limitation on the RINEX file to upload. Take note of below start/end date/time of the converted RINEX file.

12. To reduce size of the converted RINEX file, one can set start/end dat/time and do conversion again, remember to change C2 to P2 in the converted RINEX file again. Below example use step #11 information and reduce the size to 2.5 hours


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