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Aug 06

Alpha RTK Accuracy Demonstration Using Toy Train

In this demonstration, the UPM-Lite Kit is used on a toy train going in repetitive rounds. RTK base data is received over Bluetooth, RTK NMEA output is sent over Bluetooth and plotted using RTKPLOT software to show how the tracks overlap well within the normal 1cm + 1ppm accuracy range for this short baseline testing. 

Our affordable Alpha RTK having additional serial UART and USB interface, enables users to experiment with precision guidance that guarantees 2cm pass-to-pass and year-to-year accuracy. An interesting article on this topic: Satellite-Based Auto-Guidance.

1 Comment
Added by l.moratinos

It is a great experiment. L1 receivers is the key for UAV precision systems. The fact is the accuracy in the positions. All these system need to be rugged to be apply in external enviroment and wil fancy a bunch of users. Congrats.
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